Started by Seuss, finished by Prelutsky, and splendiferously illustrated byLane Smith, this is the children's book publishing event of the year! Big--56pages--and bursting with energy, here is a joyous ode to individuality,starring an unsinkable teacher named Miss Bonkers and quirky littleDiffendoofer School, which must prove it has taught its students how tothink--or have them sent to dreary Flobbertown. Included is an introduction byDr. Seuss's longtime editor explaining how the book came to be and reproducingDr. Seuss's 1989 original pencil sketches and hand-printed notes for thebook--a true find for all Seuss collectors. In Hooray for Diffendoofer Day!Jack Prelutsky and Lane Smith pay homage to Dr. Seuss in their own distinctiveways. The result is the union of three one-of-a-kind voices in a brand-new,completely original book that is greater than the sum of its parts. For all ofus who will never forget our school days and that special teacher, here is abook to give a..
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